In an era marked by misinformation, corporate influence fears, and a saturation of publicists, "Improperganda" offers a refreshing look at the long history of media manipulation. Authored by esteemed British publicist Mark Borkowski, the book delves into over a century of attention-grabbing stunts, showcasing the bizarre and sometimes insidious tactics employed by renegade advertisers. Through a collection of captivating photographs and insightful essays, Borkowski illuminates the immoral yet entertaining world of improper propaganda, from PT Barnum's sideshow spectacles to present-day military advertisements. With a keen eye for the absurd and a knack for storytelling, "Improperganda" celebrates the art of grabbing headlines while serving as a sensational testament to Borkowski's expertise in the field. It's a vital piece of post-modern fun that sheds light on the captivating allure of media manipulation throughout history.